Monday 26 November 2012

Painting Three Acrylic Studies

These Three Acrylic Studies painted as working study for a larger painting to be completed in oils on a large canvas that was lying around is one way to focus the mind and sort out those little problems of composition and colour. 

It not that I normally intend to frame and sell such studies but the effect of the three acrylic studies paintings looked fantastic as a set, Each original acrylic painting are about 30 x 40 cm and priced at £65 each, although I would happily sell all three for £150 which would make a vibrant and warm set of paintings that would compliment any home. 

Working Study 1
Working Study 2

Working Study 3

One of the main reasons for using acrylics Paints is the fast drying times allowing any artist to turn out a number of test pieces in paint that consider tone and proportions, although often transferring such an image onto a larger canvas can alter the overall painting considerably.

In this case the Canvas measures 100 x 120 cm which is about as large as I cam manage in my studio at Hylands House.  I have prepared the Painting with a thick and textured layer of Acrylic colour and allowed this to dry throughly, creating a fantastic surface that should shine through the finished painting. 

Acrylic Studies have a valid and important part to play in the process of painting and perhaps all three of these dramatic and visually pleasing acrylic paintings have been very useful in making the larger piece more successful as an original painting.

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